Saturday, March 21, 2009

New Folds in the Brain

Attachment - that which keeps us from realizing our true nature as immortal souls, sons and daughters of God. I am attached to rich foods and refined sugars and flours, and I have an incredible attachment to a past relationship. Over and over I resolve to give these things up, but when I pass through the bake shop and smell the sugar cookies fresh out of the oven, or I learn that a past love is in another relationship, I eat the cookie and I feel jealousy over the new relationship. It takes 8 years to completely develop a new habit, good or bad - years of struggling against these things that I know are not good for me and hinder my progress in my quest to find God. Years of erasing the folds in my brain that are deeply creased with those bad habits, years in making new folds of good habits.

Well, at least this gives me something to do, each moment of every day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am grateful for the relationship you have developed with God. Who could be more trustworthy? What is it that we trust to be done? LOVE