Sunday, October 10, 2010


We are part of a vast, living being that includes everything that is. Each tiny cell in our body contains a neutron that is orbited by electrons and protons, a mirror of our tiny solar system and all the vast galaxies and universes that exist in the infinite field of all that is.

Our existence is a manifestation of energy, a tiny bubbling up of form that contains energy, so minute and instantaneous in the vastness of energetic existence.

We contain within us the ability to control matter, our own matter, in our short blip of existence in this form. We contain within us the knowledge, at the cellular level, as part of the infinite vast field of All That Is, to transform our manifested form into anything, any form, health or dis-ease. We contain within us, everything that is.

How do we do this? Everything begins with a thought, that elusive form of energy that scientifically can't be proven to exist, but certainly it does - thought creates the paintings by the masters, the absolute best and most horrific parts of our existence. Cells "think" as well, and perfectly implement the purpose of their existence - liver cells know exactly what to do, brain cells, etc. When cellular thought gets discombobulated, then it becomes aberrant and forms dis-ease.

So, what is the purpose of our existence? To know ourselves as everything that is, God if you will. And in order for us to function perfectly in knowing our purpose, we must fill our thoughts, which transfer into our existence, with thoughts of such; with thoughts of only those things that take us to our highest and greatest good. This is what we must draw from the infinite field. Thoughts of ourselves as God. We must perform, and use what is available to us, and that is everything that exists, in such a way to bring us to that end. If we can truly do this, we are a perfectly "humming" cell, in perfect existence with everything.

When we draw in those thoughts and ideas that cause dis-ease, then we become dis-eased. If we choose to focus on that which keeps us from knowing the true nature of our existence, then we withdraw from that perfection and begin to wither and die. A temporary fix of the body won't work if the cells of the body aren't filled with the energy that takes them to their perfect existence.

The millions and millions of thoughts we have throughout our lifetime create us and our reality. What we focus on, we become. What we cause becomes part of us. This can be instantaneous or take many lifetimes as we carry similar thought patterns with us from lifetime to lifetime. We can realize this on some level, and this will move us along to knowing the concept of the true nature of our existence. But if we ignore this precious information and continue to focus on that which takes us from being the true nature of our existence, it will take us so much longer to reach that perfect state. We will continue to clog our own beautiful energetic existence with low vibrations that keep us from our most perfect state of being.

Fill your life with only those things that take you to your highest and greatest good. Know yourself as the same as God, use this knowledge to help uplift your fellow man. Watch as you create your perfect life, a life in which your being is the only thing that matters.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for your Ancient knowing.....