Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Stopping by, unannounced, is something I missed when I was away from the midwest. Here, in the midwest, it is perfectly fine to just stop by and if it is at dinner time then you might as well just stay.

It is not uncommon for your good friends, the ones you want to share meals with and with whom you have the conversations that give your life meaning, to just stop by. Whatever you are doing, you just stop or continue doing what you were doing, while you visit with your friends.

This happened at my house just this evening. We ended up eating lemon pasta, made from the expired lemons given to us by the local brew pub, and drinking a fine bottle of Cabernet Savinion. No particular reason for the visit other than "in the neighborhood". It was a fine end to a wonderful spring day with gusty winds, clear blue skies, mid-50's temps and daffodills blooming like heck all around the neighborhood.


jamie said...

Hey, stop by sometime!!

Chris Tann said...

Kathy. The cabernet at our home may not be particularly fine but if your new tour in the mid-west brings you to I.U. DO stop-by. These days are the good old days. Chris